2nd Annual Conference of the Emirates Society of Clinical Microbiology (ESCM)
7-9 December 2022
On behalf of the Emirates Society of Clinical Microbiology it gives me great pleasure to invite you to our 2 nd Annual Conference of the Emirates Society of Clinical Microbiology (ESCM) that is planned to take place on 7-9 December, 2022 at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
This conference brings together experts from various clinical and non-clinical fields to present their latest findings, guidelines and experiences.
The Conference Scientific Committee has developed a comprehensive scientific and educational program incorporating keynote lectures, oral and poster sessions, as well as a series of informative and interactive workshops. Be sure to get involved in all of the exciting educational, social and professional events ESCM has to offer to you!
This conference is a great opportunity to connect and interact with fellow ESCM members, colleagues, researchers, technologists, nurses, students, and other experts in the field of microbiology, immunology, infectious diseases, infection control, public health, and other related fields, as well as with representatives from various companies and industries operating in the field.
An impressive range of inspiring international and national speakers and experts will share their expert knowledge, expertise and evidence-based findings that are aimed at improving quality and safety in patient care, and strengthening the discipline of clinical microbiology in the United Arab Emirates.
You will surely enjoy being a part of this conference.
We all look forward to welcoming you to the 2nd Annual Conference of the Emirates Society of Clinical Microbiology in Abu Dhabi in December.
Dr. Jens Thomsen
Conference President, and President ESCM
It gives us great pleasure to announce our 2nd Annual Conference of the Emirates Society of Clinical Microbiology (ESCM).
The 2nd Annual Conference of the Emirates Society of Clinical Microbiology (ESCM) offers an interactive platform for professionals, students, and industries.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 2nd Annual Conference of ESCM.
Registration Categories | Early Bird* Until 07 November 2022 | Regular Rate* Until 06 December 2022 | Onsite Rate* 07 December 2022 Onwards |
Physicians & Academicians | AED 200 | AED 300 | AED 400 |
Non-Physicians; Pharmacists; Technologists; Nurses & Residents. | AED 100 | AED 200 | AED 300 |
Students | Fee waived | AED 100 | AED 200 |
- The above rates include a fee for day 3’s workshop, WHONET/BacLink-Software for Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance. Kindly express your interest in attending Day 3 and we will let you know accordingly.
- *The above rates include 5% VAT, as required by UAE government law.
- The fee is waived for all ESCM members. We herewith encourage all medical microbiology and immunology-related personnel to register for ESCM membership before December 6, 2022, and avail themselves of the benefits during our conference and events thereafter of being esteemed members.
If you are interested in attending only the Workshop WHONET/BacLink-Software for Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance on Day 3 of the event:
Registration Categories | Early Bird Until 07 November 2022 | Regular Rate Until 06 December 2022 | Onsite Rate 07 December 2022 Onwards |
Microbiologists/ Doctors | AED 100 | AED 150 | AED 200 |
Technologists | AED 50 | AED 100 | AED 150 |
The above rates include 5% VAT, as required by UAE government law.
The 2nd Annual Conference of the Emirates Society of Clinical Microbiology (ESCM) offers an interactive platform for students & professionals to present their research.
This year, we are excited to invite poster and oral presentations around topics related to
Respiratory pathogens; COVID-19; Healthcare associated infections; Monkeypox; Transplant infectious diseases; Malaria and vector borne infections; Antimicrobial
resistance; Antimicrobial stewardship; Mycobacteria; Genome sequencing/NGS; Clinical implications of microbiome; Fungal infections & other Microbiology topics.
*Student Poster or Oral Presenter Registration
Please register using the Link: https://forms.gle/ZP8Npn8pL6Jh968LA
**Non-Student Poster Presenter Registration
Please register using the Link: https://forms.gle/ynWhBzt7WNPThJRi6
Registration: Opens on October 10, 2022 and closes on November 4, 2022.
*Student includes: undergraduates; post-graduates (including post-graduate/diploma & PhDs).
**Non-student includes: postdoctoral fellows & other Microbiology Professionals.
Important deadlines
Presenter Abstract Submission November 5, 2022 (Closes on)
Announcement of selected Poster and Oral presentations November 15, 2022
Abstract Submission Instruction and Guidelines
Abstracts should be “limited to 250 words”. This word limit does not include the presentation title, name, faculty mentor name (if applicable), and few references (within 5 or less) if needed. Template for abstract and poster are provided. You will be asked to indicate the associated topic when you proceed with presenter registration.
Email for clarifications/ abstract submissions: escmscientificcommittee@gmail.com
Schedule of Presentations
Poster Presentations (for students & non-students)
The template for the poster presentation is attached herewith. Poster dimensions: 45-inch height and 32-inch width. Within the given dimensions, feel free to arrange the contents of the poster. Presenters will receive specific instructions by email prior to the conference. Presenters will provide brief summaries of their research and answer questions of reviewers.
The best poster presentations will be selected for awards.
Oral Presentations (for students only)
The 10 best abstracts [05 post-graduate (PG) and 05 undergraduate (UG)] will be selected, and associated students will be asked to present on an online platform.
Two out of the five PG and two out of the five UG abstracts will be chosen for a final presentation on stage during the conference and awarded accordingly.
Oral presentations will be assigned 10-minute timeslots with seven minutes for presentation and three minutes for Q&A.
• Respiratory pathogens & COVID-19
• Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
• Healthcare associated infection
• Monkeypox
• Transplant infectious diseases
• Advances in rapid diagnostics
• One Health for all
• Malaria and vector borne infections
• Antimicrobial resistance & AMR Surveillance in UAE and trends
• Antimicrobial stewardship
• Tuberculosis and Mycobacteria
• Genome sequencing/NGS
• Clinical implications of microbiome.
• New antimicrobials
• Fungal infections (including Candida & other mycosis )
• Phenotypic and genotypic detection of antibacterial resistance.
• WHONET Software for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance.
• NGS Applications.
• Mycology.
Oral and poster presentation competitions will be organized for students from Hospital Institutions and Universities across the country.
Poster presentation competitions will be organized for professionals & researchers from Hospital Institutions and Universities across the country.

• Microbiologists & Infection disease physicians
• Pharmacists
• Infection control practitioners
• Critical care physicians & Internal medicine physicians
• Lab technicians
• Family and Primary Care Physicians
• Nurse Practitioners
• Researchers
• Biomedical Engineers
• Public Health Professionals
• Hospital and Corporate Administrators and Executives
Scientific & Organizing Committee of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Emirates Society of Clinical Microbiology (ESCM)
Conference Scientific Committee: Chairperson: Dr. Godfred A. Menezes Vice-chairperson: Dr. Abiola Senok Dr. Carole A. Moubareck Member: Dr. Nihar R. Dash
Conference Organizing Committee: Chairperson: Dr. Arif Sultan Al Hammadi Co-Chairperson: Dr. Jens Thomsen Prof. Dean Everett Vice-chairperson: Dr. Anju Nabi Dr. Kavita Diddi Member: Dr. Arun Kumar Jha Dr. Sanjim Chadha
Dr. Jens Thomsen President- ESCM Section Head, Environmental Health, Abu Dhabi Public Health Center (ADPHC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 (2) 5048847; + 971 (50) 7421016 Email: jthomsen@adphc.gov.ae
Dr. Godfred A. Menezes Chairperson- Scientific Committee, ESCM Chairperson in-charge, Medical Microbiology & Immunology (MMI) RAK College of Medical Sciences (RAKCOMS) RAK Medical & Health Sciences University (RAKMHSU); Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. Mobile: +971 (5) 43266244. Email: godfred@rakmhsu.ac.ae